Tag: 推油爽记MN

‘We will need to continue to work together’: Simcoe County council names warden, deputy positions

Tiny Township Mayor George Cornell was acclaimed to serve as Simcoe County Warden for a second term, until 2022.

He has served in the position for the past two years and spoke to council during the inauguration ceremony Dec. 8.

“Our unique situation presents challenges and opportunities,” Cornell said. “We will need to continue to work together to navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, while addressing the pressing needs of our residents, businesses and community partners.”

Innisfil Mayor Lynn Dollin was nominated to serve as deputy warden for the second half of council’s term. Clearview Township Deputy Mayor Barry Burton was .

Dollin has served as chairperson of the county’s corporate services committee, sits on the county’s economic development sub-committee, and is a county representative with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. Dollin has also served as a member of the board of the Association of Municipalities (AMO), as chairperson and vice-chairperson of the AMO’s Ontario Small Urban Municipalities division. She was president of the AMO in 2016.